Wednesday, 11 November 2015

3D Character Animation 07

Week 8 Day 4

I've done my editing! That is to say, I've added some audio to go with the video. It was pretty awkward at the beginning without any sound until we hit the chestburster audio but it was easily fixed with some crowd murmuring in the background mixed in with a gasp here and an outraged chatter there. Woohoo~ After Effects crashed every time I tried to render out a RAM version which sucked because I had to second-guess a lot of where the rattle had to go and I think I missed one little bit with the timing but the constant crashing kind me frustrated. I fixed it as best as I could and on the whole, it's a pretty minor detail to pick up on unless you're like me and kind of pedantic and you know where to listen...Huehehehe...

My next post will include a rationale for this entire venture. My thanks to you for reading and keeping up with me on this 3D journey, and also my thanks to my classmates for their encouragements and their help, my thanks to as well and also to Keat for putting up with my whining and complaining and my crying.

Yes, I was totally pathetic but the laughs I've had along the way have been pretty worth it. (I'm going to erase my breakdown in the middle of the classroom...banish it from my thoughts...FOREVER...)


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