Monday, 12 September 2016

Trans-disciplinary Thinking 10

Week 24 - Day 1

For this week's exercise on Synthesizing we are asked: What is a perfect society? What does society look like when it is working at its best?

My brain immediately went to insects and bugs because they always work together as a whole. Their lives are always centered around the betterment of their community. As a hive-mind in ants and bees their main goal will always be to expand and to grow together. They are communists, in other words. The concept of communism is kind of nice but as humans, as we are currently, we are a corrupt bunch so to be a perfect society is IMPOSSIBLE. It is a pipe dream and, honestly? That kinda sucks.

Okay, first of all, I took a lot of reference from google images. I am in NO WAY CLAIMING THEM AS MY OWN, okay? I'm just using them for the sake of the exercise. Unfortunately, I stumbled across some pretty dodgy pictures so for the sake of my sanity, I'm limited by using just a handful of pictures and cobbling them together to make something fancy...And fancy I got! You can see how the bees are dressed up all nice and dapper and the praying mantis at the front is totally debonair.

I wanted to draw a market place where people are trading goods for other goods but I didn't want to spend too much time on it when I could spend it more on trying to write out the brief for next term's assessment..yay~

Anyway, here's the picture...




I've finished the draft for the brief we're supposed to write for Dane. I've shown it to him and he said I needed to add some more things about doing animation tests during the project which I will do soon. I've also got me a production schedule going and HOPEFULLY, I can keep myself on track with this. Much horrible coming soon...but I hope I can keep up.


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