Monday, 17 August 2015

3D Character Model 04

Week 6 - Day 2

FACES ARE NASTY HARD!! I should've given Emelyn a mask. DX UGHHSDKJFHSKHEUI!

I stopped following the tutorial because it started to get REAL COMPLICATED with all the edge loops and it didn't help that they kind didn't fill in some gaps in-between each step so I ended up second-guessing a lot of things and...yeah, not cool.

I asked Oscar to help me with the eyes because I was struggling with it (I have a headache now) and it's not fun...

Also, Emelyn's no longer lovely. She looks like a friggin' ALIEN!! Which should be quite fitting considering the movie I originally took the idea from BUT THAT WASN'T ON PURPOSE! SDFJHSDFHSKDJFHSD

That mouth is freaking me out, too.
I'm so over this.
I'm moving onto the hands now, because if I don't, then I'm SCREWED!!! DFGKLJDLFKGJDFLJ Adrian helped me with the starting shape of the hand. I'm hoping that I'll be done with it by the end of the day tomorrow...then I can work on the hair...

Oh, mah, gah. I really do not like this. I have nothing against 3D modelling because it's cool as heck, but I am not made for this. I AM NOT MADE FOR THIS.

IS THIS ENOUGH?! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!??! Because I sure as heck ain't and I'm slowly nursing a headache and it's so not fun...

Gotta hand it to ya, though, it's a lot harder than it looks.
I'll refine these tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes. And maybe ask Keat whether it's good enough or if he'd prefer more detail. (For the love of all that is good and true, please say no need.)

I swear I will finish this by Thursday, because I still need to do the prop turntable with textures and that sounds horrifyin'. I got chills, they're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' self-respect...


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