Week 21 - Day 1
So, it's back to the drawing board. I had a good talk with Dane and Oscar about the assessment and it raised a lot of questions and a lot of panic. PANIC. And it became obvious that my ideas were too literal and not at all abstract enough but the thing about abstract is that it is VERY INDIVIDUAL. Personally, I thought my original idea was good in that sense because it explored a different medium and also a different discipline and it involved subtext and while it wasn't totally and completely abstract it wasn't outright obvious either but alas, I WAS WRONG. My outside the box was still painfully inside the box.
Yes...right. Back to the drawing board.
Fusion cuisine is basically the taking of two different cooking disciplines so it was already pretty trans-disciplinary on its own...adding another discipline on top of that is like...INCEPTION. SO MANY LAYERS. Like a layer cake. Or an onion. Or an onion layer cake. (Ew.)
Anyway, what is animation and what is cooking? What are the processes that go behind each of them? With animation, there's the roughs, then the cleaner roughs, add to that the cleaned up version and a splash of color. Cooking is a lot like that because there's a whole heap of preparations, sauces and marinades to be made in advance, the actual cooking process and then the plating up. BUT WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO IT? Can we add keyframes, breakdowns and inbetweens to that as well? In that sense an empty plate is the first keyframe where a completed dish is the last keyframe, right? The main components that go into the dish could be the breakdowns and the garnishes could be the inbetweens but IS IT REALLY? I have no idea...
ABSTRACT THINKING IS HARD. DX MY BRAIN HURTY. I spent the weekend thinking about this and it feels like I've gotten nowhere. I'm still waiting for that EUREKA moment but I'm worried I'm chasing for it too hard rather than just letting it stew to enhance and develop the flavor like a good red wine jus. EVERYTHING BE HARD. It's kind of like trying to make onion soup but you're too impatient to let it caramelize on its own and you end up stirring and stirring and NOTHING IS HAPPENING BECAUSE THE ONIONS HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH CONTACT TIME WITH THE POT TO COOK PROPERLY. (True story, bro.)
-SIGH- Back to the drawing board...or chopping board...
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