Sunday, 14 August 2016

Unity 01

Week 20 - Day 1

I forgot to upload what I did with Unity last week. I thought I had to show it IN CLASS so I didn't bother posting a blog about it...but really...I SHOULD POST EVERYTHING!!! Whelp~

So here's the tower with 12 steps going up to the top and 6 squares (or should I use the correct term and call them CUBES) on the top, It was a bit hard to follow during the lecture and, I will admit, a lot of things sort of went over my head. But after a quick explanation from Tea, she showed me that it was, more or less, the same principle as Maya, so YAY! That's quite a relief!

Also, grouping and parenting and keeping the outliner CLEAN AND TIDY is, as usual, muy importante! I am nothing if not organized...and I hope to remain so...

Anyway, the spheres on top of the tower is just for fun. I thought it would be funny to see them tumbling over the steps and fall off into nothingness...But alas, that was not the results I achieved. Allow me to demonstrate via picture slide.

It was so funny to watch...X'D But I'm sure that when I'm actually trying to make a game it will be frustrating as heck...X___X


Here's the extra thing we were asked to do using just basic shapes (because I don't know if arches are a thing we can make in Unity at this point...). I also figured out how to use the free camera view. OH MAAHHH GAAHHHH...SDKJFHSDKJHFHSKEUF

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